Saturday, October 20, 2007

Dylan moving

I found out that Dylan is moving to Tennessee last Monday. I didn't want to write about it or talk about it, I just wanted to cry about it. Now I am kind of dealing with it. Nina has a great opportunity there ( her mom lives there and is going to pay for her to go to college - a really big deal to Nina ), so I am trying to suck it up and realize that it will be ok. She and Brandon have worked things out where she will bring Dylan up here one weekend a month ( only a 4 hour drive ) and when Brandon gets his license back in the spring he will also drive down there one weekend a month. It's going to suck only seeing him only once a month when I have been used to about 12 days a month, but thank God it's not Oregon. I realize that some people only see their grandkids twice a year, so I guess I am still fortunate. We will just have to have sooo much fun when he is here. So, since this is his last weekend here ( he's moving next Saturday ) I am completely forgetting about the house and boy is it dirty! Instead we will be having fun, although I will have to do the laundry, no getting around that. So far we have went to Hidden Valley Fruit Farm and got pumpkins and did the hayride. He and Brandon will probably just hang out outside riding the bikes and the skateboard a lot today. He will be back on the 2nd also because Nina and Brandon have tickets to a concert and Daryl and I are the babysitters, yay! So, I guess it won't be so bad, harder on Brandon than us. I still hate it, but I am trying to be a grown up. Is it working????
In other news, Whitney has a Halloween dance at PSU Friday night. I am thinking about hanging around for that one, at least for a while, they are so much fun. Thursday when I picked her up for her dentist appt. she came out carrying a big stuffed bear with hearts on it. I asked her where she got it and she said Ricky. Remember the one I said was her fellow, she just didn't know it yet???? I asked her why he gave it to her and she said because Saturday is sweetest day. Well, kudos to Ricky for remembering that, I sure didn't know it. So, I'm thinking the dance will be fun. She and Dave are just friends but he doesn't like Ricky and got a little perturbed about the whole bear thing. He asked her what that was about and she told him Ricky got it for her because sweetest day was in a couple of days and Dave said I don't care and went and sat at a different table. She said he was acting normal later though and ate lunch with her, so apparently he got over it. So anyway, that's all the excitement going on around here, sometimes it's just too much to handle, and sometimes it's just too much fun.

1 comment:

Dogs Mom said...

I know how hard it must be to think about Dylan 4 hours away after having him close for so long. My mom is in the same situation and she comes up all the time and they go down all the time and the time that the kids get with their Nana is so special. They love the visits with her and I know the distance sucks but I think that the time they get together, though never enough is packed full with love. You can always cry with us though and we'll understand!