Saturday, August 25, 2007

Terribly tired

Ok, so I just got up a few minutes ago. I never slept till 7:00 not once all summer, I was always up by 6:00. I think I am whipped. When I took my pedometer off last night it read 14, 966. I went to the grocery last night, must have been good for a couple of thousand steps or more. I wasn't too awfully surprised when I woke up with a leg cramp in the middle of the night, youch, I hate those things, they hurt so bad! My legs are protesting all these steps, but they better get used to it. I have to keep taking ibuprofen, something is messed up with the top of my left leg. It's been hurting for about a month now and if I don't take the ibuprofen it really hurts to walk. It sucks gettting a bit older and dealing with this crap. Maybe if I lose some weight it would help that too, hopefully I will. It's time to get over not smoking, it's been 2 years in December. I have a ton of work to do here today, back to the do it all on the weekend mode. I can't believe how much laundry I have, I will be running up and down the basement steps all day, better have the advil handy and better eat a banana or two! Better get started

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Happy Birthday Mrs. Orfield!

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Mrs. Orfield, happy birthday to you. You will have to imagine my singing, I'm so sorry your can't hear it. I will sing it to you on Tuesday so you don't feel like you missed out. I can't believe we don't even get to see you guys tomorrow. I hope Sandy doesn't plan on doing this every year, sheesh. If I call you tomorrow, can you tell me what my schedule is??? You know I am joking, I just think I am very funny.
Ok, have to go return a shirt to Target, it's a shame I didn't win one of those gift cards, darn it.
Have a great day!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Can't believe it's over

Well, I guess this is the last day to really get things done. I have to drop Pierre off at the groomers at 10:00, I have Whitney's yearly meeting at 1:00, I'll pick Brandon up from work at 3:30 and we'll pick up Dylan. I am going to try and get my laundry done in between it all, course I don't have much cause I been doing it every other day. I probably wouldn't even do it today, but Dave gave Whitney a sweatshirt that his friends gave him when he was in the hospital and she had lost it for about a week. Whitney never loses anything and was afraid that she was going to have to fess up to him before he asked her why she wasn't wearing it. She finally found it at work yesterday and asked me to wash it, so I might as well wash everything again. Then there is Big Brother tonight. I heard there is supposed to be a twist tonight, like 2 people getting voted out or something, I don't know if it's true or not, but we'll see. It's bound to be exciting whatever it is.
I think Whitney is going to watch High School Musical 2 with her little friend tomorrow night. We'll see. They have only seen each other about 2 times this summer, probably because Whitney is way into her men, but last week, her friend invited her to sleep over, then called her before she was supposed to come to tell her she probably shouldn't come because she wasn't feeling good,her nose hurt. Can anyone guess who the friend is? I can see why she prefers Dave's company, I mean he might talk about sex a lot, but his nose doesn't bother him. They play games at his house a lot, like washers ( it's like corn hole but is played with washers) and frisbee. Whitney always ends up nailing him in the head with something. I think he should get the heck out of her way when she is throwing something, she is dangerous. Ok, I guess I will see you all tomorrow, dang it.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

sorry girls

I got my reply from Sandy Bateman and we will be doing hoyer lift training on Friday. I guess we are not going to get to help you guys at all this year. By the time we do the breakfast, awards ceremony and lunch it will probably be time to do the training. Maybe not though, maybe there will be some time in there somewhere. I think these 2 days suck this year.

Monday, August 13, 2007


Today at Bath and Body Works I got some Moonlight Path and some Sensual Amber. They sure do smell good. I am thinking about getting fake fingernails. I wasn't going to do it anymore, but I really do like them, maybe I would have better luck this time. I am going to see if my friend Diane wants to do it with me. If not, I probably won't do it cause I am on the fence anyway. Anyone out there want to go get some with me??


So, I'm assuming you guys got your e mail from Sandy Bateman about the aides at the high school doing the hoyer lift training at 1:30. Problem is, she doesn't say if it's Friday or Monday. Would anyone out there happen to know? I e mailed her and asked her, but no reply yet

beginning the count down

I guess I have to start doing all the last minute stuff around here before Friday. On Thursday I will have to go the Whitney's meeting at PSU and take Pierre in for a haircut, so there won't be a lot of time that day to do anything. That gives me 3 days. Waa.
Today I am going to go to Bath and Body works and get some stuff. My friend Tanya gave me a gift card for there for my birthday, so I should smell pretty good Friday.
I just got done dusting and vacuuming, so I have to go take my shower. I am also going to Leisure Time today to have some sweatshirts done.
My blood work came back and my sugar is normal. That was a relief, I was hoping I had not eaten myself into diabetes. Don't know what causes those stupid yeast infections, but glad it's not that. Maybe I am allergic to Daryl and his stuff, ha ha. I haven't had one for a while, so maybe the problem is over, I sure hope so. My armpits are itching me like crazy again though, that is super annoying. I bet I am super annoying right about now too. Which brings me to Amber on Big Brother. I'm sure it goes without saying, but I can't stand that loser!!!!! Every time I watch and see her, I think she gets uglier and stupider. I'll close on that note

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Dang it!

I just got the letter from our special ed boss lady and we have an inservice on August 20th from 8:00 till 4:00. Umm... I think she must be mistaken, I goet off work at 3:00, not 4:00. To add insult to injury, we also have to pack a lunch. Say what?? We can't even go to lunch and get a break? I can't believe we have to do this the day before we welcome all the kids back. Sucks. In that same batch of mail, I also got another ( this makes the third one) postcard from Warren county court to call on the 22nd and see if I will be needed on the 23rd for jury duty pickings. Gee, that's not much notice to give my employers if I am , now is it? I might have to stop going out and getting my mail.

Friday, August 10, 2007

can't stand her

You guys are probably tired of hearing me complain about Whamber, but I truly cannot stand her. I think she is the biggest loser I have seen in quite some time. She better not be the one to win the money, that would suck.
Whitney and I are going to get our hair cut in a few. Last time I had it cut was April, before that August. I'm starting to think I only get haircuts in months that begin with A.
So sad we are down to our last week. Dang
That's it for now

Thursday, August 9, 2007

WHO DEY???.... WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!

Ok, I can Who Dey with the best of them, but say it isn't so! Rumor has it that the Bengals pre game will be on at 7:30 tonight on CBS and that Big Brother will air after the game. What the?? I will not be awake at 11:00 or 12:00 when the Bengals are done and won't know what time to set my vcr for. I guess I will have to set it for 10-1 or something. I can't believe they're doing this to me on eviction night with all this drama with Eric and everything. Kind of messes up my Thursday and makes me a little sad

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Wow, three in one day, that's definitely a record for me. Anyhoo, have you heard about Amber's anti-semitic stuff? It's apparently even on the news that she has been making remarks about "Jews" under her breath. You probably know that Eric is Jewish. She also said something about being able to tell a Jew from their last name or their noses. She's a crybaby and a loser. Do you think she forgot the cameras are always on them or is she stupid too? Somebody get her out! Please!!


Went and got my mammogram this morning. It hurt worse than others I've had, seemed like. She said since they're so big and dense, there is more resistance and it can hurt worse. Dumb boobs. Another reason to lose weight. Still waiting to hear about my blood work I had done last week. Nothing much else going one around here. It's too hot to do anything. We're planning on going to a festival in West Chester this Saturday, hope it's not too hot. We'll be taking Dave with us. I was telling Daryl not to be surprised if he says inappropriate things. It's things I sure he did and said in his old life, but wouldn't have said in front of me probably , but does now. Know what I mean? Anyway there's lots of sexual talk and stuff. Daryl gets it though and is very cool about stuff like that. He also like Dave very much, he is a likable fellow. Guess that's all for now, 2 in one day, I'm on a roll!


Is there anyone else out there that thinks that Dick from Big Brother is going off the deep end? I used to enjoy him so much and lately he is making my feel not so enjoyed. It will be interesting to see if everyone goes with Daniele and Dick or against them tomorrow night. I know, I know, I need to get a life

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Happy birthday to Brandon a day late, my bad!

Happy 23rd birthday Brandon, I love you!
Here are a few more fair pictures too, oh and I didn't mean to put Dylan in the pool on here but I don't know how to take it off. Baby steps you know.

Thanks to Brandon!

Brandon, thanks for putting my pictures on my computer! Now why didn't I think of him in the first place??? I think most of these pictures are pretty self explanatory, there are some of our flowers and the anniversary rock. Pictures at the fair, and Whitney and Dave.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Someone vote Amber off...NOW!

I am so sick of Amber and her crying on Big Brother. She is ridiculous. I mean, I'm sure she probably cries while she tries to decide what to eat for breakfast. I am wanting her gone more than any other at this point. I used to think it was funny, but she's not funny anymore, she is ANNOYING!!!