Saturday, February 23, 2008

Lots done

Since we had another snow day on Friday, I got almost all of my housework done then. I still have to go to the grocery tomorrow and there is always laundry to do, but other than that, I have a lot of free time on my hands this weekend. It's a good thing because the cable guy was here for a little over 2 hours this morning doing the TV, phone and cable. Then I had to change my e mail address on all my bills I pay online and stuff. I went with a yahoo address this time, then if my provider changes, I won't have to ever worry about that anymore.
On another note, I am quite the matchmaker, if I do say so myself. There is this girl that is a staff member for group homes. I met her last spring when Whitney dated Joey and she worked at his house. Anyway, I thought at the time she would be a good match for Brandon, seemed like they had a lot in common. I had forgotten about her though. Whitney has a friend who lives in a group home across the street and to make a long story short, guess who works at her house? Yep, she was all of a sudden back in my life. Well, I sent Brandon over to get Whitney last night at 8:30. At 9:30 he called and said Whitney wanted to come home, but he was staying. Hmmm. Ok, so, he ended up coming home at about 1:00 in the morning. I think it's safe to say they hit it off. He also walked Whitney over there today because she was going on an outing with them. I think Brandon will be heading back over there this evening when they get back. I am happy for him, he hasn't been on a date in over a year and I think it's time. I know he has a lot of feelings for the girl at work, but she is moving in a few months and they have never been out because she is not divorced yet. Kind of a messy situation. So, I will update on this story as it unfolds. I think that's all I have to say for now. It's going to be tough putting in a 5 day work week next week. Although they did mention snow Tuesday into Wednesday.... Wait, I don't want to make days up!

Sunday, February 17, 2008


I think this picture of Pierre is cute. It was taken last summer and I guess he was in such a deep sleep he didn't realize he had fallen mostly off of his bed. This is my screen saver right now.

The flu

I'm convinced Whitney has the flu. It must be one of the strains that the flu shot didn't protect against, because she had the shot. Anyway, the cough has never gotten any better and at the dance Friday night she and Ricky were ready to leave at 8:00 because they both felt so crummy. He has the same cough and stuff. Imagine that. Anyway, she proceeded to throw up a couple of times Friday night and has been running a fever and coughing her head off ever since Friday night too. The medicine with the codeine isn't even working that well, I've never seen a cough that was this ridiculously bad. I sure hope no one else gets it. It was a shame that they left the dance early, she looked so cute. They had put make up on her at PSU when they had their air fixing and nail polishing time and it was really pretty. I think Valentines day should be moved to some other time of year besides flu season.
In other news, we got our TV last night. We will be putting that up today once we get the old entertainment center out of here and the new furniture in it's place.
I guess that's it for now

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

100th post

I was just noticing this is my 100th post. Hooray for me!
I am really happy for this snow day. Daryl stayed home too and we are playing with the idea of putting the TV stand together. Maybe later.
I took Whitney to the doctor yesterday. He said she has a double illness. Where you're sick, then it gets better for a few day, then it comes back worse. He gave her some antibiotics and some cough medicine with codeine. Thank goodness for the cough medicine. She actually slept last night without coughing all night. I did have to give it to her again at about 1:00 in the morning because it was starting again, but it knoocked it out real quick. That is good stuff.
I heard it might snow a little tonight too. Shall we go for a 2 hour delay tomorrow? Add to that early release and we would have some sweetly short bells.
Ok, I have to go have the local freeze removed from my phone line so Time Warner can do their stuff.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Thought I'd better update

Not too much going on here. Doing some laundry, did the grocery shopping today. Whitney has a really bad cough. It's weird, she had a bad cold with the cough and seemed to get over it. Then it all started Friday again. Now she has that almost non stop cough. I might need to make her a doctor's appointment this week.
My dad is still doing well. The surgeon called him yesterday and wants him to have the other procedure done ASAP. He was thinking next week. He said he needs to get those gallstones out. Might as well get it over with.
My coach called me from my biggest loser challenge yesterday. She goes to Ideal fitness down on Fields Ertel. I think I am going to go there with her. They are only $20 a month with no contracts, it's a month to month basis. Brandon is going to join with me too, he wants to lift the weights. It will only be $13 a month for him because each member of the family, it gets cheaper. I hope I have lost some weight when I go get weighed on Tuesday. She told me that will be the day the will tell me how many calories I need to eat a day to lose weight. I will keep my fingers crossed.
Dary got the audio pier put together yesterday, it looks real good. We went and picked up the TV stand last night. That will have to be put together next weekend and the TV will need to be bought, because the cable company comes the weekend after.
I think that's it for now, have to take Whitney to Ricky's after she takes her shower. She can cough on him for a while. Let's hope they stay well enough for their dance on Friday!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Best Superbowl Ever!

I am thinking the Giants just might have to be my new favorite team for wiping the "we're better than everybody else" right off those dang Patriots, especially Tom Brady. Ha, ha, hee, hee, ha, I love it, love it, love it. Did I mention I LOVE IT???

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Hoping for a snow day

Not so sure we'll get one, but even a delay would be nice. I'll keep my fingers crossed!
So today I got my audio pier delivered and the color is perfect. I am so happy. I also got the e mail that the tv stand was in, so we'll pick that up this weekend. Now if I can just get Daryl to put them together, hopefully he will get some time to do it so we can finally go get the TV. We won't be watching the super bowl on it, I'm pretty sure of that.
Dill Pickle will be here tomorrow, I can't wait! I am really happy they are moving back to Ohio, I can't wait to see him on a regular basis, I've really missed that.
Dad is having surgery on his hernia Wednesday, therefore, I will be taking the day off. I wouldn't be so worried about mom if things weren't so sketchy with him, but they are. I mean you wouldn't think a hernia operation would be a big deal and normally it wouldn't be. However, my dad's heart just isn't so good these days. Mom is really worried ( as am I ) about him because he is down to 137 pounds. Now that is pretty darn skinny on a 6'2" man. And he eats. A LOT. I wish I weighed 137 pounds. There has to be a reason he is losing weight like that. I wish they could get to the bottom of things, drives me crazy. Anyway, I am going to go with mom so she can stay with him while I get the car and all that stuff, and just be moral support. Hopefully Kathy will be there too, but she has been having some health issues herself lately. I'm sure she will come reagardless of how she's feeling though. So hopefully all will go ok and he will actually get to come home that day, you never know with him what will happen these days.
That's it for now, I love my girls but here's hoping we don't see each other tomorrow!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

pictures from the wedding and other stuff

I think we should all understand why I don't like having my picture taken. I clearly have 2 chins and Daryl clearly does not. He does have a bit of gray in his goatee, wait, I like that. Never mind No fair.
Brandon and Whit at the reception

The bride and groom. Mrs. Hanke, you might recognize the bride, she works at DSW on Fields Ertel!

The Dylan tattoo!

Mama snuck in today and was really happy to see her best friend

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sorry Green Bay

I sure didn't expect them to lose tonight. All I've got to say is, I still love you Brett. And Eli, it's up to you to take down Tom Brady like your brother did last year! Good Luck!

Stupid Patriots

Need I say more??


Wow, it sure is cold outside. I sure wish I didn't have to let Pierre out all the time. So far today Daryl has done it, but I know my turns are coming. On the plus side, he doesn't seem to want to spend too much time out there himself, he is getting his business done pretty quickly.
My scale said I lost 3 pounds since last week. That is encouraging, I just wish it said I lost 20. I am going to have to get some patience about this weight loss thing. I didn't get fat overnight, I guess I won't lose it overnight either. It would be nice to lose that much by spring. Hopefully I will.
So, Daryl and I want to get our 42" LCD HDTV. Well, that wouldn't be a problem, seems the problem is finding the furniture to put it on. It won't fit on the entertainment center we have now, we need a tv stand and matching audio cabinets for either side. I don't know if everyone is sold out of the stuff from Christmas or what, but we just can't find anything. I don't want to go to a furniture store and spend $1000 on it either. Target had a pretty one, but of course was out of it. Maybe they will get it in again soon. I hope so.
So, now that everything went well with my tooth, I won't be scared in the future if I have to have work done. I'm pretty sure there will have to be something done on the right in the somewhat near future. The tooth that had all the work done on it Friday is kind of hurting too. I am hoping it's just because of all the work, I have had teeth do that in the past. I am hoping that if doesn't need a root canal or something dumb like that.
So today is football day! I sure am wishing those Patriots would get theirs today, come on Chargers. And I do like the Giants, but of course I am hoping for a win for Brett. I think it would be so cool for Green Bay to win today and win the Super Bowl. Daryl thinks Brett would retire after that. Probably, he is older that most quarterbacks.
Ok, I'm off to do not much of nothing until football starts!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Brett Favre is a hottie!!

Go Green Bay!! Those young guys have got nothing on Brett! I would love to see them go to the Super Bowl, that would be awesome. Daryl said they will. He also says the Patriots are going down tomorrow, I sure hope he's right, but I don't know about that.
Dad is home from the hospital. He is pretty weak, but glad to be home. He actually came home a few days ago. He just has a crappy heart and has to take his medicine. So far, he is. I'm glad he's home.
Did anyone happen to notice that Big Brother is coming on in February??? I was watching my tape of As the World Turns yesterday and saw a promo for it. I sure was excited. This dang writer's strike just might work out for us after all. Not having to wait until July is sweet!
Got lots done today. Laundry, dusting, vacuuming, bathrooms, all that good stuff. Gotta go to the grocery tomorrow and get healthy food. Should be a BLAST.
That's it for now!

Thursday, January 3, 2008


I came home today to the news that my dad is in the hospital with congestive heart failure and pnemonia. Needless to say, his hernia is at the bottom of their list of concerns for him right now. They said there is no way a surgeon could put him to sleep with his heart like this. So, they are going to try to get him well. I don't know how long he'll be in there. I asked mom if she needed me tomorrow and she said she didn't. My sissy Kathy is going to be there with her and mom said he actually seems like he is feeling better. Well, duh dad, why didn't you go to the hospital before now???? Ok, I am going to try to be nice because he is sick and it doesn't matter how much I quarrel at him about that, he is not going to change and I just want him to get well. So, I will keep my cell phone handy tomorrow and check in with mom and Kathy and see how things are going. Hopefully he will get well soon. Tomorrow is mom's birthday, I really wish he would stop being in the hospital on her birthday! Silly dad.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Made it there and back

Whew, didn't know if we would there a few times, but we did. It took 45 minutes to drive to Dr. Rotella's this morning, normally a 10 minute drive. Everyone was going about 5 miles an hour and there were several cars off the side of the road, tow trucks, etc. What a mess. Luckily, the ride home only took about 15 minutes, the stuff they're putting down had started to work. I'm not sure how, it's so cold. So I'm really glad to be home where I get to stay all day, hooray for snow days. All that stressing yesterday about what to do, call off or go in late, didn't have to do either one. Back to the dentist next Tuesday to finish this crown and start another one. I'm off to the couch now

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Whitney's ##***!!#* teeth

It looks like I won't be at work tomorrow. Whitney's bottom tooth fell out and it is not pretty. I am waiting for Dr. Rotella to call me back. If he can see her in the morning, I could probably come in when he is done. However, then I won't have a sub. Is it better just to call off and get a sub or just to be late? I guess I will decide when he calls me back. I really, really, really hate her fu**c**g teeth.