Saturday, January 12, 2008

Brett Favre is a hottie!!

Go Green Bay!! Those young guys have got nothing on Brett! I would love to see them go to the Super Bowl, that would be awesome. Daryl said they will. He also says the Patriots are going down tomorrow, I sure hope he's right, but I don't know about that.
Dad is home from the hospital. He is pretty weak, but glad to be home. He actually came home a few days ago. He just has a crappy heart and has to take his medicine. So far, he is. I'm glad he's home.
Did anyone happen to notice that Big Brother is coming on in February??? I was watching my tape of As the World Turns yesterday and saw a promo for it. I sure was excited. This dang writer's strike just might work out for us after all. Not having to wait until July is sweet!
Got lots done today. Laundry, dusting, vacuuming, bathrooms, all that good stuff. Gotta go to the grocery tomorrow and get healthy food. Should be a BLAST.
That's it for now!


Dogs Mom said...

Patriots played last night...and won!!! BOO!!!

I saw the add for BB and thought of you immediately! I'm psyched.

Kim said...

yeah, I watched them too, I really, really don't like them.