Sunday, January 20, 2008


Wow, it sure is cold outside. I sure wish I didn't have to let Pierre out all the time. So far today Daryl has done it, but I know my turns are coming. On the plus side, he doesn't seem to want to spend too much time out there himself, he is getting his business done pretty quickly.
My scale said I lost 3 pounds since last week. That is encouraging, I just wish it said I lost 20. I am going to have to get some patience about this weight loss thing. I didn't get fat overnight, I guess I won't lose it overnight either. It would be nice to lose that much by spring. Hopefully I will.
So, Daryl and I want to get our 42" LCD HDTV. Well, that wouldn't be a problem, seems the problem is finding the furniture to put it on. It won't fit on the entertainment center we have now, we need a tv stand and matching audio cabinets for either side. I don't know if everyone is sold out of the stuff from Christmas or what, but we just can't find anything. I don't want to go to a furniture store and spend $1000 on it either. Target had a pretty one, but of course was out of it. Maybe they will get it in again soon. I hope so.
So, now that everything went well with my tooth, I won't be scared in the future if I have to have work done. I'm pretty sure there will have to be something done on the right in the somewhat near future. The tooth that had all the work done on it Friday is kind of hurting too. I am hoping it's just because of all the work, I have had teeth do that in the past. I am hoping that if doesn't need a root canal or something dumb like that.
So today is football day! I sure am wishing those Patriots would get theirs today, come on Chargers. And I do like the Giants, but of course I am hoping for a win for Brett. I think it would be so cool for Green Bay to win today and win the Super Bowl. Daryl thinks Brett would retire after that. Probably, he is older that most quarterbacks.
Ok, I'm off to do not much of nothing until football starts!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

We're looking at HDTVs too. We can't decide between 37" or 42". I think we'll probably go with the 37", but who knows. We're not in any hurry, so it could be summer before we decide. But when Green Bay makes it to the Super Bowl (positive thinking here), I think John will want the new TV then since I, too, think it will be Brett's last game if they win.

Great job on the weight loss. It does come off slowly, but forward progress is good. My weight always fluctuates all month, so I don't take it too seriously, but it is encouraging to see the numbers go down. Keep up the good work!! It will be worth it in the end.