Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sorry Green Bay

I sure didn't expect them to lose tonight. All I've got to say is, I still love you Brett. And Eli, it's up to you to take down Tom Brady like your brother did last year! Good Luck!


Lisa said...

Poor Brett!! I feel bad for him.

I don't really care for either team in the Super Bowl, but it sure would be nice if the Giants upset the Pats. Ooooh, I would love it!! The Pats just shouldn't win in the year they were caught cheating.

Diane said...

I will post later but for now I need to go and work off 3 more pounds. It sure is cold but my bikini will thank me this simmer..

Diane said...

I mean summer, this happened b/c I read about crazy dogs and Lisa's screw ups! (I need to simmer down)