Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Happy birthday Mrs. Hanke!

Hope you have a great day and get good presents! Love you!

Saturday, November 24, 2007


Congratulations Rick and Diane, I guess you are Mr. and Mrs. now. I am happy for you both, Rick, you are a super nice guy who is great to Diane and treats her wonderfully. Diane, you are my peep, and I know you will make Rick very happy. We missed you yesterday, looking forward to next year when you can make it

Friday, November 23, 2007

Big fun day, but my belly hurts

So today we had fun shopping in the crazy crowds. I wouldn't miss it for anything. Obviously, since my belly hurt the entire time and I visited every bathroom in every store we went in. I called the doctor when I got home. They gave me an appt. for Friday, hmmm?? She did say I could call in Monday and see if they had anything, you know how they leave blocks open for people to call in that morning? Then the doctor called me and told me to take 2 Immodium four times a day and not to eat any meat, fat, grease, or dairy. Excuuuse me?? I'm thinking that doesn't leave me much to eat. Soup, eggs maybe, or are they considered dairy? Peanut butter? All's I know is if this keeps up for very long I will not fit into any of my new clothes that I bought today because they will be too big. Normally I would think that was a good thing, but I tried them all on and I love them all. Of course, I'm thinking I could lose 10 pounds and they would still fit ok. I will take his advice though becuase after I ate at Bob Evans today which consisted of , meat, grease, fat and dairy my stomach hurt worse than ever and still does. I am going to have some vegetable soup and cornbread for dinner. At least it's homemade, although it does have meat in it. I will try not to eat to much of that. Ok, I feel like I am whining so I will go, thanks to everyone for going out in the wee hours and having fun with me today!!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

weekends too short

I know that this is only a two day work week and I can't wait. Ever since Saturday morning I have had diarreah. I know, nobody wants to hear about it, but that is how my weekend has been. Every time I eat. I just took some Immodium, hopefully that will put an end to it, it is really annoying. I managed to make it through the bowling alley today without an incident, I just made sure no food passed my lips before or during that trip. Hey, this could be a way to lose weight. NOT!! Nothing going on, I need to make out my shopping list for this Friday, I am so excited! I always end up buying lots of things that are not on my list, but I do need to try and get things that are actually on it too. We have to go get our tree next weekend too. Gosh, it will all be here and be over before I know it.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Stupid , Dumb Dentist appointment

Whitney and I went to the dentist today for our check ups and cleanings. Now, this normally goes like this, we both get our teeth cleaned, no problems with me, he finds some work that needs to be done on Whitney, we make the appointment and leave. Today was a little bit different. Of course, Whitney needs a filling and another ( the third ) cap, ( I figure she's only got 2 more to go after this one for a total of 5 root canaled teeth) but as I was about to get my teeth cleaned, the hygenist decides it's been some time since I've had X - rays, and we'd better do them. I should have stopped her there and went home them. Actually I should have never even went. Anyway, on with the story. So, like a good patient, I say sure and we get the X rays. Still no problem, at least not until Dr. Rotella comes in and looks at the x rays. He decides I have a big cavity and I am also going to need a cap. HMMM???? What the heck are you talking about? I said, You are making a big mistake Dr. Rotella, I'm sure that's not a cavity. He assured me it was. I then told him that he must be looking at Whitney's X rays and not mine, I don't have these problems. He then assures me they are indeed , my x rays. I say we'll that just can't be, because you said it was on the bottom left and I don't numb on the bottom so it seems to me we ( or to be more precise, ME) have a pretty big problem. So, he promises me he will numb me , I have been promised this before and still don't numb. I told him he had better have his gas real handy. I am terribly scared. I put off the appointment until January 18th. Maybe the tooth will start hurting me by then and getting it fixed won't seem so bad. I kind of doubt it though. My appointment is at 8:00 in the morning, I will not go to work that day. I will plan on being scared and possibly crying instead. Whitney will get her cap started on the 8th of January. She also has an appointment for other work on the 21st of November when I am already off work. I am really sad that I even went to the dentist. I am really scared. My day off kind of sucked. I think today will be my last check up at the dentist. Ever. I hate my tooth.