Friday, November 23, 2007

Big fun day, but my belly hurts

So today we had fun shopping in the crazy crowds. I wouldn't miss it for anything. Obviously, since my belly hurt the entire time and I visited every bathroom in every store we went in. I called the doctor when I got home. They gave me an appt. for Friday, hmmm?? She did say I could call in Monday and see if they had anything, you know how they leave blocks open for people to call in that morning? Then the doctor called me and told me to take 2 Immodium four times a day and not to eat any meat, fat, grease, or dairy. Excuuuse me?? I'm thinking that doesn't leave me much to eat. Soup, eggs maybe, or are they considered dairy? Peanut butter? All's I know is if this keeps up for very long I will not fit into any of my new clothes that I bought today because they will be too big. Normally I would think that was a good thing, but I tried them all on and I love them all. Of course, I'm thinking I could lose 10 pounds and they would still fit ok. I will take his advice though becuase after I ate at Bob Evans today which consisted of , meat, grease, fat and dairy my stomach hurt worse than ever and still does. I am going to have some vegetable soup and cornbread for dinner. At least it's homemade, although it does have meat in it. I will try not to eat to much of that. Ok, I feel like I am whining so I will go, thanks to everyone for going out in the wee hours and having fun with me today!!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I hope you feel better soon!!