Sunday, February 17, 2008

The flu

I'm convinced Whitney has the flu. It must be one of the strains that the flu shot didn't protect against, because she had the shot. Anyway, the cough has never gotten any better and at the dance Friday night she and Ricky were ready to leave at 8:00 because they both felt so crummy. He has the same cough and stuff. Imagine that. Anyway, she proceeded to throw up a couple of times Friday night and has been running a fever and coughing her head off ever since Friday night too. The medicine with the codeine isn't even working that well, I've never seen a cough that was this ridiculously bad. I sure hope no one else gets it. It was a shame that they left the dance early, she looked so cute. They had put make up on her at PSU when they had their air fixing and nail polishing time and it was really pretty. I think Valentines day should be moved to some other time of year besides flu season.
In other news, we got our TV last night. We will be putting that up today once we get the old entertainment center out of here and the new furniture in it's place.
I guess that's it for now

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I can't wait to see a pic of your TV and entertainment center. I'm sure you are really enjoying your HDTV. I'm so jealous!! :-)