Thursday, August 16, 2007

Can't believe it's over

Well, I guess this is the last day to really get things done. I have to drop Pierre off at the groomers at 10:00, I have Whitney's yearly meeting at 1:00, I'll pick Brandon up from work at 3:30 and we'll pick up Dylan. I am going to try and get my laundry done in between it all, course I don't have much cause I been doing it every other day. I probably wouldn't even do it today, but Dave gave Whitney a sweatshirt that his friends gave him when he was in the hospital and she had lost it for about a week. Whitney never loses anything and was afraid that she was going to have to fess up to him before he asked her why she wasn't wearing it. She finally found it at work yesterday and asked me to wash it, so I might as well wash everything again. Then there is Big Brother tonight. I heard there is supposed to be a twist tonight, like 2 people getting voted out or something, I don't know if it's true or not, but we'll see. It's bound to be exciting whatever it is.
I think Whitney is going to watch High School Musical 2 with her little friend tomorrow night. We'll see. They have only seen each other about 2 times this summer, probably because Whitney is way into her men, but last week, her friend invited her to sleep over, then called her before she was supposed to come to tell her she probably shouldn't come because she wasn't feeling good,her nose hurt. Can anyone guess who the friend is? I can see why she prefers Dave's company, I mean he might talk about sex a lot, but his nose doesn't bother him. They play games at his house a lot, like washers ( it's like corn hole but is played with washers) and frisbee. Whitney always ends up nailing him in the head with something. I think he should get the heck out of her way when she is throwing something, she is dangerous. Ok, I guess I will see you all tomorrow, dang it.


Dogs Mom said...

I'm guessing that Dave can't use too many more blows to the head. He and Whitney should be playing checkers or something that won't damage the skull if thrown.

Kim said...

That's what I told her, I said his head has been through enough without you throwing things at it! Funny

Lisa said...

I can't believe it's over either. I'll see you in the morning.

Also, WOOHOO - Rosanna is finally awake on ATWT. I can't wait until she and Craig come face to face. I'm sure that will only take a month or so. Ha!