Tuesday, July 31, 2007

doctor again

Welcome back to the ladies that spent the weekend on the houseboat. It sounds like you guys had a good time.
I finially called my doctor and made the appt. to get my sugar checked on Thursday. I have been trying to stick my head in the sand and ignore this, but I am not being successful giving up sugar that way. Maybe if I get this done, it will scare me into it. Sometimes I wish I would have never quit smoking. It sucks. I think I am finally getting over the fact that I don't smoke anymore and now I have to give up my sugar? That's just not right. I wish I was 20 again. Well, maybe not 20, I was pregnant then. I probably still wasn't as fat as I am now though. I am feeling sorry for myself today, can anyone tell? Well, I don't do it very often, so I guess it's ok.
I can't believe we are going to be back at work in such a little amount of time. I don't have everything done that I wanted to do yet! I almost do, but not quite. I don't understand how it goes so quickly. Speaking of going back to work, the aides were supposed to meet with Sandy on the 17th. Then we got that staff update that says we all meet at the high school for breakfast and service awards ( don't want to go up and get that dumb pin). So, I e mailed Sandy and asked her which was the plan? She said things have changed, we have to go the the high school on the 17th and probably meet with her on th 20th. Does she not understand the 20th is the day we help our teachers with stuff?? I guess it doesn't matter. So, we may not be hanging out with you guys on the 20th, don't know.
Can't think of anything else to say, meeting my mom and sissy for lunch tomorrow, it sure is hot out!!
Later dudes

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